The few small rivers could not hold all the rain that fell during the wet season. 几条小河容不下雨季的全部雨水。
He was caught in the rain and got wet through last night. 昨夜他碰上下雨,全身都湿透了。
I had not bargained for such heavy rain, and got very wet without a coat. 我没料到会下这样大的雨,没穿雨衣,浑身都湿透了。
I went out in the rain and got wet through. 我冒雨出去,结果被淋得湿透了。
The rain can't wet my clothes, and my sword still shining like stars; 青裳不沾雨露湿,锋镝依旧灿如花。
When did I say we could run through the rain and not get wet? 我什麽时候说过我们淋雨不会湿啊?
The forecast of rain cast a wet blanket over our picnic plan. 预报有雨,使我们的野餐计划黯然失色。
The rain had wet the green silk and caused the colors to run; Li's face also turned from yellow to green, and the green stains on the front of his white shirt looked like a ruined water color painting. 这绿绸给雨淋得脱色,李先生的脸也回黄转绿,胸口白衬衫上一摊绿渍,仿佛水彩画的残稿。
I got caught in the rain and was wet to the skin. 我淋成落汤鸡了。
I had not Bargained for rain, and I got wet. 我没料到要下雨,所以淋湿了。
The old man was caught in the rain and got wet all over. 这老汉从里到外被雨浇了个透。
I had to cycle in the rain and got soaking wet. 我不得不在雨中骑车,弄得全身都湿透了。
One day, there came a heavy rain, and it wet their wings. 一天,天空突然下起了大雨,淋湿了他们的翅膀。
She walked in the rain, with her clothes wet through. 她走在雨中,衣服全湿透了。
The majority ofthe studentswerecaught in the rain and got wet through. 大多数学生遇雨并淋得透湿。
He has been caught in the rain and is wet through and through. 他遇上雨,衣服都湿透了。
Without the trees, fires spread easily, and rain during the wet season runs off rather than being retained in the peat. 没有了这些树木,火灾更容易扩散,而潮湿季节的降雨会让泥炭流失,而不是保持住泥炭。
One day, amid a drizzling rain, wet everywhere. 一天,天下着蒙蒙细雨,到处湿漉漉的。
This may range from a high rain forest in the wet tropics to almost bare rock on the deserts. 这可从潮湿热带的高大常雨林变化到沙漠上几乎裸露的岩石。
Walking in the rain in the wet world, feel the fresh air after the rain, feel the fragrance of the earth. 行走在雨后的潮湿世界里,感受着雨后的清新气息,感受着泥土的芬芳。
Discussion about solution of gypsum rain when wet desulphurization used for power plant 火力发电厂湿法脱硫石膏雨治理方法讨论
Now more rain season, wet into muddy and the car use and maintenance, at this time, a very adverse car that need to be more careful attention. 现在已经开始进入多雨季节,潮湿与泥泞对汽车的使用和保养极为不利,此时,爱车需要更细心的呵护。
The rain is wet, but I am dry. 雨是湿的,但我没被雨淋湿。
I now walk in the rain, rain over shoes tease, wet trousers. 我现在走在雨里,鞋子撩过雨水,湿了裤脚。
You shall not have gone out in the rain& you are wet through. 你原不应冒雨外出,这不,浑身湿透了。
I love the little rain but not the wet hair. 我爱蒙蒙细雨,却不喜欢头发被淋湿。
You must concentrate on protecting yourself from the wet ground and from freezing rain or wet snow. 您必须留意脚下泥泞的土地,同时也要预防冰冷的雨和雪。
The experiment of assimilating radar wind field and radar humility field at the same time shows that vapor transportation and local vapor divergence play more significant role in causing excessively heavy rain than only high wet center. 同时同化雷达风场和雷达湿度场的试验表明,水汽的输送和局地的水汽辐合对于产生特大暴雨的贡献远大于仅有高湿中心的贡献。
Taiwan rain wet more Sheng and hot climate, the disease incidence is higher, and often this is Peter, difficult to cure. 台湾地区雨湿较盛且气候炎热,该疾病发生率较高,且通常此愈彼发,难以根治。
Transmission line icing which is caused by the weather of low temperature, ice rain, wet snow and frost will bring forth disasters, such as icing flashover, transmission line galloping, line breaking, and tower collapse. 低温、冻雨、湿雪、冰冻等天气会造成输电线路严重覆冰,引起覆冰闪络、导线舞动、断线、倒塔等电网灾害。